
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Beetroot & Celeriac Gratin

This is a very simple recipe that I got from the Irish Times this weekend - by Domini Kemp. it sounded tasty and involved a turnip that had been hiding in my veg drawer for some time, so that was enough to convince me!

It's a nice simple dish that would be great served along side some roast beef and horseradish.

1 head of celeriac - finely sliced
2 small beetroot finely sliced
1/2 turnip - finely sliced
3 cloves of garlic crushed
300 mls of cream 
Some fresh nutmeg
Seasoning - quite a bit is neede

Layer all of your veg up in an oven proof dish. Mix together the cream, seasoning and the nutmeg. Pour this over the veg and bake at 150 or gas mark four for an hour and a half. Check that it's not drying out after about an hour - if it's getting too crispy - just pop the lid on.

The beetroot gives this dish a nice pink hue and celeriac a nice texture. It's covered in a thin crispy top which gives way to layers and layers of delicious creamy sauce and bright dashes of colour.


  1. Phwoarr this looks gorgeous - a lovely alternative to the potato cream version.

    I have this friend at work whose girlfriend is a coeliac. But I always get 'coeliac' mixed up with 'celeriac' in my head so I often giggle to myself about him going out with a root veg, and going to parties and being like "Hullo this is my girlfriend the celeriac"

    Oh, lol!

  2. Your gratin looks lovely and crispy.

    I made a gratin with beetroot and potato a while back, but it was so pink that my kids wouldn't touch it!! Tasted good though.

  3. Aoife - yeah and celeriac can be one ugly vegetable too!

    Brownieville - thanks for stopping by. Potato and beetroot sounds like a good combo, always surprised how much colour comes out of them, my leftovers were eaten at work - and I got some odd looks at my bowl of bright pink mush - no chance of anyone asking for a taste though!
