
Monday, July 13, 2009

French Onion Soup

Cheesy soupy goodness

I came home early on saturday night from a rained out Oxegen (large and very wet music festival in Co.Kildare), feeling very tired, a little disgruntled, and slightly regretful that I didn’t persevere to see some of the great acts that were playing later on Saturday and on Sunday. Sarah was more hardcore and stayed until the bitter end of saturday night, and got even more soaked than I did.

Anyway, by the time Sunday came around we decided that we needed some serious comfort food. Clare Louise came round to help us eat three courses of wintery, stodgy goodness.

French Onion Soup
Serves 4
About 8 medium size onions
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp sugar
½ pint white wine
1 pint beef stock
1 tsp worcester sauce
1 small baguette
gruyere or white cheddar cheese

Peel the onions and chop them in half from root to stem. Then slice them thinly into semi-circles. Finely chop the garlic. Melt some butter and olive oil in a large pot and fry the onions and garlic with the sugar until everything has started to caramelise and turn a nice brown colour.

Add the wine and stock and simmer for about 40 mins on a low heat. Add Worcester sauce, taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. When done, cut the baguette into slices, 2 or 3 per person and flash them quickly under the grill to toast on both sides. Grate the cheese. Ladel the hot soup into flameproof bowls and float the toast on top of the soup. Top the toast with the grated cheese and place under the hot grill until the cheese is melter and a bit bubbly. Serve with plenty of black pepper.

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